Winter Season Guide

Reducing Your Local Mosquito Population

Updated March 21, 2019

Tips For Reducing Your Local Mosquito Population

Mosquitoes can be a very annoying nuisance, but they can also carry disease. The best way to reduce the chances that you or your family will fall victim to this is to take action to prevent them from residing in your yard. While it may not be possible to completely eliminate them, you still can do certain things that will help to make your outdoor space less desirable to them.

One of the most important things you can do is to eliminate any and all standing water on the premises. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. This can be puddles, garbage cans or any other place that water is able to accumulate. By removing these opportunities it can greatly reduce the number of mosquitoes that make your outdoor space their home.

The key is to keep up on maintaining a dry yard as much as is possible. This means going around after it rains and dumping any standing water you can find. Keeping lids on garbage cans can also help a great deal. If you have places in your yard or driveway where water can accumulate you should have those places filled. The expense is definitely worth the increased comfort and peace of mind knowing you are preventing disease.

There are also a number of plants that you can plant outside that naturally repel these pests. They are sensitive to certain odors and will find other places to occupy if they find a smell to be offensive. Citronella is one of the most commonly known plants that repels mosquitoes. Other plants that can be effective include lavender, mint and catnip. Placing them strategically around your outdoor space will greatly reduce the chances of them disturbing your time outside.

Due to the fact that eggs can be laid anywhere that water may eventually go, it can also be beneficial to treat the entire yard. If you wish to avoid using toxic chemicals, there are a number of natural treatments that you can use. By creating a diluted mix of water and essential oils, such a lavender, and spraying the entire yard weekly, you can help to keep the pests at bay. They will not lay their eggs in places that are less than ideal.

Of course, there are many chemicals on the market that can be used to reduce their population. However, it is important to remember that these chemicals can be harmful to the health of anyone that will use the space in which they are applied. This is especially true for small children and pets that are more likely to spend time close to the ground. They can also be harmful to those that are applying them. If you choose this route you want to be sure that you use the right protective gear to ensure that you do not inhale the chemicals while applying them. You should also wear gloves to prevent them from soaking into your skin.

These pests have the ability to lay their eggs in the water and in a very short amount of time the eggs become larvae, which then become mosquitoes. Understanding just how fast they have the ability to reproduce is important. It will keep you motivated to maintain your outdoor space as frequently as possible. The more often you take action, the less likely it is that you will face a large infestation.

If you find that the population is still rather prevalent, even after using all of the tips provided above it may be best to hire a professional. Pest control and removal professionals have the needed expertise to identify areas of concern that you may have missed. They also know the best remedies that can be used and even have access to chemicals that aren’t typically sold in stores.

It is important to remember that mosquitoes are not only a nuisance. They can carry diseases that can affect your health, and the health of those you care for, in very serious ways. Doing all that you can to keep them away from your outdoor space will give you the peace of mind that you deserve. It will also increase your ability to fully enjoy the time you spend outside. Use the tips above to have the enjoyable outdoor space you have always desired.